Thursday, June 27, 2013

Educational Consultants

7 Questions to Consider Before Working with an Educational Consultant

1.  Why did you become an educational consultant?
2.  How many different schools have you referred to in the past 12 months?
3.  Do you have an area of specialty schools that you work with?  For example, an educational consultant may work almost exclusively with Therapeutic Boarding Schools.  If so, what makes you qualified to work with this niche of schools?
4.  Could there be a conflict of interest with any of the schools that you have recommended?  If so, please explain in full disclosure the nature of the relationship you have with each school that you have recommended.
5.  How often do you meet with the schools that you are recommending to us?  Some educational consultants may only visit a school once in a five year period of time, thus, causing concern that they may be out of touch with changes that may have occurred in program development or key positions.
6.  Have you received any special treatment, such as gifts exceeding $100.00 in value, from the schools that you are referring to us?
7.  Do you adhere to a set of ethical standards?  If so, what are those standards?

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